NA service allows us to spend much of our time directly helping suffering addicts, as well as ensuring that Narcotics Anonymous itself survives. This way we keep what we have by giving it away.
Basic Text (sixth edition) page 59
Virtual Training Subcommittee
The Virtual Training Subcommittee is responsible for training and orientation of all hosts, co-host 1, co-host 2, and scanners.
Clean Time Requirements:
Host: 6 months clean
Co-host 1: 90 days clean
Reader: No clean time required
Scheduling Subcommittee
The scheduling subcommittee is responsible for scheduling all trusted servants on the 24/7 meeting.
If you would like to attend the Scheduling Subcommittee meeting the next meeting is Tuesday December 17th @8pm
ID: 8100879541 password: 247247
Media & Training Subcommittee
The Media & Training subcommittee is responsible for the social media channels webpage, and Training of all Trusted Servants for this group.
If you’re interested in attending our Media or Training Subcommittee Meeting our next meeting will be held on:
Tuesday January 21st @ 8:00pm.
ID: 8100879541 password: 247247
The Policy Subcommittee is responsible for the policy of NANA 24/7 Marathon Meeting.
If you are interested in being involved with our Policy Subcommittee. Please attend our next Policy Meeting on:
First Sunday of every month @7pm
ID: 8100879541 password: 247247
Steering CommitteE
Chair - Lisa F.
Vice Chair - Chrissy F.
Treasurer - Samantha F.
Assistant Treasurer - Open
Secretary - Katie H.
Assistant Secretary - Lysa M.
Scheduling Chair - Denise C.
Training Chair - Jenny F.
Social Media Chair - Kye
Policy Chair- Mike M.